The list of candidates nominated for the local, town and parish council elections on Thursday, 4th May has been published.

The list of all candidates can be found on East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s website: www.eastriding.gov.uk/elections

The first wave of poll cards have already been sent out to residents on the electoral register and eligible to vote with the second wave due to be sent out later this month.

But voters should not worry if, for whatever reason, they don’t have a poll card as they do not need one in order to vote.

While poll cards are not needed, this year, those who are eligible and wish to vote in person at a polling station will need to show an accepted form of photo ID before being issued with a ballot paper.

A list of acceptable photo identification can include:

• UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonweath passport

• UK or EEA photo driving licence

• An older person’s bus pass or a disabled person’s bus pass

• Blue badge.

The full list of approved photo identification can be found on the Electoral Commission website: www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voterID

For those people who do not have an approved form of photo identification and who wish to vote in a polling station, they can now apply online for a free voter authority certificate by going to: www.voter-authority-certificate-service.gov.uk and the deadline for applications is Tuesday, 25th April.

* Residents who wish to vote in the elections and are not already on the electoral register have until 23.59 on Monday, 17 April and registration is quick and easy by going to www.eastriding.gov.uk/elections or www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

People already on the electoral register and who completed household enquiry forms which were sent out last year, do not need to register again.

For those who are already on the electoral register but are unable to get to their polling station on Thursday, 4th May are able to vote by post and an application form can be found at: www.eastriding.gov.uk/elections and the deadline for applications is Tuesday, 18th April.

People can also apply for a proxy vote and the application form can be found at: www.eastriding.gov.uk/elections and the deadline for applications is 5pm on Tuesday, 25th April.

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Bridlington Gold Radio’s Breakfast Show Presenter, Mike Hammond, in association with Harbourside Theatre Group, will be hosting ‘The Radio Group’ every Thursday evening in the

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