The 2nd Flamborough Flowerpot Festival (FFPF) is taking place from 3rd to 30th of June 2023, when residents will take up the call to GO POTTY.

Julie Sanders, Chairperson for Flamborough Flower Pot Festival (FFPF) committee told Bridlington Gold Radio:

“All residents have been invited to make models, weird and wonderful, big or small, out of plant pots and display them outside their properties, in gardens, on fences or in their windows.

Last year we held our first FFPF and it was a great success attracting many visitors from far afield and press and TV coverage.

“Last years event was just for fun but this year alongside the fun we are hoping to raise funds to support a Flamborough village cause.

“This year alongside the google map, that can be scanned by a mobile using a bar code on the posters, there will be a printed Flamborough Village Trail Map indicating where POTTY models are located. Both fabulous maps have been especially created for the event by our talented committee member Alan Sanders.

“Maps will be sold at several outlets including local shops and cafes and will cost £2..

“All profits from this years FFPF will be donated to Flamborough Pre-School.

A big thankyou to Haven at Thornwick Holiday Village who have printed all our maps to support this inclusive village event.

“In May we are running POTTY MODEL making craft sessions with local Rainbows, Brownies, Cubs and Scouts groups.

“There will also be an inclusive POTTY MODEL craft session at the local village library in May involving older residents from groups such as Knit and Natter. Posters advertizing this event will be displayed around the village and at the library and all events are free of charge and include all materials to make a Flower Pot Model.

“A big thank you to the local parish council and Boyes Department stores and Reighton nurseries for providing us with funding and materials to help put on these craft sessions.

“The committee have been very busy preparing for the FFPF with lots of behind the scenes preparation and fun fundraising quiz events and raffles to ensure that the event is success. We thank everyone who has donated raffle prizes and supported the Quiz nights at the Caravel Bar North Landing.

“Any one wanting to know more about the event and view pictures of last years entries can check us out on Facebook and instagram Flamborough Flower Pot Festival.

“We do hope that many people come along to see the models and buy a trail map during the month of June and that we can spread the POTTINESS and smiles.”

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