The Bridlington Sea Cadets are back on parade again and are looking for new recruits. Speaking on Bridlington Gold, Commanding Officer, Martin Jolly said: “We are pleased to be back albeit with reduced numbers due to ongoing restrictions.” He went on to say: “We are currently looking for new people to join and if anyone between the ages of 10 &18 would like to give us a try they will be most welcome to come along to the Swindon Street Hall on Friday nights between 7pm & 8.30pm, it’s a lot of fun, they will meet new friends and there are opportunities to learn new skills as well as getting involved in lots of outdoor events and activities.” He added: “If any adults would like to get involved and help out, they would be most welcome too.”
The Bridlington Sea Cadets can be contacted at the Drill Hall, on Swindon Street, via Facebook by searching for ‘Bridlington Sea Cadets’ or by calling their dedicated phone line on: 07521 141930.