Sunday, 10 September will see a return for a second year of the Bridlington Beach 5k and Fun Run.

The event takes place entirely on the beach and is restricted to 250 runners. There will be a 1k Fun Run for children and those who do not wish to run the full 5k.
The event proved an exciting addition to last year’s calendar in the resort and the council’s Coastal Services team hope it will be again this year.

The event is being held in conjunction with Comic Con being hosted at Bridlington Spa on the same day. For those who fancy doing the 5k or Fun Run dressed as their favourite comic book hero, there will be a prize for the best dressed, to be awarded by the Comic Con judges.
Councillor Nick Coultish, portfolio holder for culture, leisure and tourism at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “This event was great for Bridlington last year, and undoubtedly helps the health and wellbeing of the town’s residents. People can take part just for fun, or perhaps to raise money for charity, and we will also be offering prizes for the best fancy dress as well. Please do sign up to take part and get involved!”

Entries for the 5K will be £12 and all participants will receive a T shirt and a medal.
Full details for the Beach 5k are at
To enter the 1k Fun Run please use the following:
Follow the progress of the planning of the event on facebook, twitter and Instagram @bridbeach5k